Data Protection

By continuing to use the website you agree to the following privacy policy and use of cookies on this website. Use of cookies can be changed in your browser settings.

Website Privacy Policy

1 Register holder

Name: Innolact Group Oy
Address: Viestikatu 1-3, 70600 Kuopio
Other contacts: / Tel. +358 44 5727 760

2 Requests Regarding the Privacy Policy

Contacts concerning the rights and requests of the registered: / Tel. +358 44 5727 760

3 Name of Register

Verkkopalvelun käyttäjärekisteri.

4 Purpose of the Processing of Personal Data

To guarantee the appropriate use of the website.

Collecting data for the development of a website.

Collecting data for marketing purposes.

Relaying requests for quotation / feedback to the register holder.

Webshop order delivery and maintaining a client register.

5 The Information Content of the Register

  • The website users: IP-address, cookies, data terminal equipment, traffic source, time of visit, name of the company.
  • In requests for quotation: e-mail, phone number, name, company, address, products chosen, feedback/message.
  • In order: e-mail, phone number, name, company, address, products chosen, message.

6 Regular Sources of Information

Information given by the Internet-page user on the online server and during browsing.

7 Regular Disclosing of Information

Ei luovuteta. Tiedot jäävät rekisterinpitäjälle ja henkilötietojen käsittelijöille (Google, Facebook).

8 Disclosing Information to Outside of the EU or ETA

Information will not be disclosed. The information will remain with the register holder and the processors of personal information (Google, Facebook).

For more details:

9 Data Protection

Controlling entrance into the company’s premises. Requiring identification from individuals with an entrance permission, Google anonymizes user data, data is located on a protected cloud platform. Data cannot be connected to any natural person without information from the Internet operator.

10 Risks

Risks concerning personal data are, among other things, breaches of security. Personal data saved on the register is protected, for example, from unauthorized access and accidental or illegal deletion, conversion, disclosing, transmitting or other form of illegal processing of data.

11 Rights of the Registered

  • Right of access to personal data
  • Right for data rectification
  • Right to delete data
  • Right to restrict processing of data

A written request of register’s rights must be made via e-mail to the register holder.

12 Data Retention

User and action level data saved by Google Analytics is automatically deleted from the Analytics server after 26 months. Requests for quotation are kept for two years, at most, after which they are deleted from the register, unless they have grounds for legal or statute processing.

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